..Saturday - travel day, homeward bound & final thoughts

We woke up to a beautiful sunrise in Dallas. A good way to start our return! God shined on us! Jim had commandeered the entire shuttle van the previous night for our entourage of people and luggage. It was a tight fit. Bob and Cindy spent the night in Minneapolis and were preparing to board a Delta plane to meet up with us in Portland. This was a screenshot of the seat screen on our final approach to PDX. Home at last! we had taken a large loop pattern for our landing approach The adventure and mission was over. We all proceeded to the baggage area and saw Bob & Cindy awaiting our arrival. We had a glorious re-union and awaited all of our specially-marked large suitcases. Friends and family met us and hugged us. Once we assembled and double-checked our luggage, we gathered in a tight circle and Jim Shaw said a few words and thanked the team for a job wel...